
We don't do books just to file taxes. We believe that this data has a more valuable purpose than to do tax compliance only. We analyze data and help you take informed decisions. You may be using Quickbooks, Xero, Netsuite, Zoho Books, Sage or even Excel, we specialize in all type of book-keeping software.

Accounting / Tax-Filing

We file federal and state taxes in the US and give a comprehensive advice in order to help you decide where you can save money

CFO Services

You can also have us as your CFO for solving all finance related problems, and communicating with lenders and investors on your behalf.

Budgeting & Forecasting

Your future holds both the unseen threats and opportunities. It's better to control the risks today before they materialize, and capitalize on the opportunities. Our realistic forecasting helps you be prepared for future.

Audit / Due Diligence

Are you buying a new business and not sure of the financial reporting precision? Or you want to audit the accounts of your current business? We perform detailed audits to ascertain the accuracy of financial data.

Business Valuation

Selling or buying a business? We perform realistic valuations based on DCF, EBITDA multiple and industry comparatives.

Investment Analysis

Are you planning to invest in a stock or a private business? We thoroughly analyze your current and target investments to mitigate the surrounding risks. From fundamental to technical analysis, we perform all kinds of safety checks.